Remember who you really are!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

PASSENGER - Things you've never done


It is said that once a point of no return is reached in our life (and in our relationships), our deepest regrets will always  have to do with ... the things we didn't do! Our relationship to a person is always a mirror of our relationship to our life. What are the things that you are being so right about now, in your relationship(s), that you would rather die than change. Make no mistake here, this is also a mirror of your relationship to your life. What do you feel your deepest regret would be if you died holding on to that position. Really...what has that ever accomplished for you. Wouldn't it be wiser sometimes to take a position that opens the door to a bit more light in your life, like "maybe, I am not totally right about this".  It doesn't mean you are wrong, just that you are not "dying to be right".  And besides, if you are that committed to being that right about whatever, doesn't that beg the question...why?SNN