Remember who you really are!

Monday, June 23, 2014

PASSENGER - Heart's On Fire (Official Video)


I have often used this expression to describe the many Light-Bearers present and accounted for at this time in the development of the planet and mankind. People whose Love and Passion are so alive that it seems like their "heart is on fire". In religious symbolism, it has been called the "Sacred Heart" and is usually referencing the heart of Jesus and shown engulfed in flames.

The challenge for these sweet "Sacred Hearts", is that their purely personal relationships, while they can temporarily become the object of this love, cannot be sustained. When this happens, the Sacred Lover is left feeling like he/she had gone too far in love or loved too deeply or too much. It is possible for these relationships to become transformed and purified in the Sacred Fire of Love, but this is not an easy path at this time. SNN

I long for a Sacred Love, where my heart is all on fire, and I am all consumed in my lover's eyes, and yet born again each share this love with you.   Anon.