Remember who you really are!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

KONGOS - As We Are

The Call...

I once spent 30 days, on a journey of meditation, healing, and growth. Upon emergence, I all at once came to a realization that humanity..."As We Are"...doesn't stand a whole heck of a lot of chance of really and truly moving higher in our spiritual evolution. In that moment, it became clear to me, that without the conscious, courageous, living embodiment of each loving presence, and the enlightened expression of all those who have labored long in the service of mankind, and who still hold the light... we may well be lost.

And yet, even now, the Call remains, and echoes in the hearts and souls of all who would stay at such a time, for no other reason than they care that much and they still hold a higher vision for us all. SNN