Remember who you really are!

Monday, January 10, 2011


A very interesting story with supportive evidence about how a psychologist, Dr. Hew Len, was using this Ho'Oponopono process, to affect positive behavioral change in hard core criminals, without actually seeing them physically (as his clients), by his totally taking responsibility for creating their condition, and by completely owning his judgements and projections as he experienced them while reading their files. Totally worth more than  a glance, suggest checking out...the music alone is worth it.     SNN
- Zero Limits by Joe Vitale, - Basic Intro 
Vitale, Joe, Hew Len Ph.D., Zero Limits, Wiley (2007)


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Doggy Christmas Tree.avi

Doggy Christmas Tree is here because it delights the child within and is fun and healing to watch, especially at Christmas time. Video editing aside, just watching these dogs, as they perform and work together in time with the music is an absolute delight!   SNN

Swami's Welcome To You

Swami welcomes you to his blog and hopes that you are able to find something of interest or value.

You can relax here and enjoy the varied content, and since "there are no accidents" and "nothing happens by chance", it is not a mistake that you are here! You are always in the right place at the right time.

OK, so if "this is" exactly where you may need to be right now, why?

It is Swami's wish for you that you may find why this blog may be of interest and value, and that you can actually make use of this blog in a productive way, in your life.

Use its content as a "heuristic device"... that is, treat it "as if" it were a fit for you, in your own personal experience, use the info for your own personal discovery, and then see how your life benefits. 

This is Swami's hope, purpose, and intention for this blog, "to have it be of service and value for you, now and in the future". Best wishes,